Prism Policy for Tempo Body Scan Feature

Effective Date: May 25, 2023

This Policy describes the practices of Prism Labs Inc. (“Prism” or “we”) concerning information that it obtains when you use the Prism-powered body scan feature in Tempo’s applications. By using the body scan feature, you consent to the collection, use, retention, and other handling of body scans and other data as described below.

1. Collection and Use of Data

Tempo uses technology by Prism to provide its body scan service. In each scan, Tempo sends Prism images of you and related data, including gender, height, and weight. Prism uses this to provide the scanning service, including:

Because the scans include rough measurements of face geometry, some data in the scans may be considered “biometric identifiers” under laws such as the Illinois Biometric Information Privacy Act (BIPA), even though Prism does not use the scans for reidentification purposes.

2. Disclosure of Information

Subject to applicable law, Prism may share the images, the full scans, and other data it has, as follows:

We may seek your additional consent to these or other disclosures, or we may omit your data from the transfer, where we believe this is required by applicable law.

3. Retention of Information

Prism stores the data described in this Policy, including the body scans that include face geometry, for the purposes described in Section 1 above. For known residents of Illinois, subject to any applicable exception under BIPA, Prism will permanently destroy any scans of face geometry when the first of the following occurs:

To select a destruction method for the scans of face geometry, Prism will take into consideration (i) available technology, (ii) the nature of the data, and (iii) the means by which the data has been stored. Prism may retain other data about Illinois residents, as well as scans and other data about individuals who reside elsewhere, under different retention policies and procedures.